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Sunday, November 14, 2010

solution to end malnutrition

a possible solution to end malnutrition would be to donate medicne and give them nutritious foods. another way would be to teach them tips on preserving foods and how to tell when foods are not healthy enough to eat. but to truly be able to end all malnutrition, would be to end poverty!

Monday, November 1, 2010

my interview over a persons perspective onmalnutrition in Haiti

these questions were asked to a family member of mine and the answers they responded with are in pink!
1. what do you think malnutrition is?
 malnutrition is when someone is suffering with sickness due to a lack of nutrition in the foods they consume
2. what do you think is the cause of malnutrition in Haiti?
 they have contaminated food and water sources and the food they are getting sent has no nutritional value it is just very plain food.
3. who is helping Haiti?
 i believe many countries are helping bu the food has no nutrition but, some private organazations send proper medicine and food
4.what would be a possible solution to end malnutrition in Haiti?
 To have all countries that are helping Haiti to be like the smaller organizations!
5. who all suffers with malnutrition?
I believe that anyone that eats foods without proper dietary value may suffer from malnutrition